OR DM VIA INSTAGRAM: franciscobeltranpost
Facebook: Francisco Beltran
Phone: +52 8121460304

4-hour-long individual sessions twice a week, for a total of 8 hours per course. 100% tailored to your personal needs.
Software: - Photoshop - Capture one (preferably, but Lightroom is also an option)
What you will learn:
- Shape psychology
- Color and theory composition IN DEPTH
- Composition, planning, and placing of elements within an image
- How to have a swift, non-destructive workflow.
- Planning retouches
- Raw file conversion using Capture One, detailed explanation of the program and how to create an editorial, commercial, or portrait conversion.
- Exporting raw files to Photoshop, the difference between formats and when to choose 8 or 16 bits.
- Cleanliness. How to clean skin, hair, and other imperfections in the image using different techniques.
- D&B (dodge and burn)
- Color correction and gradient.
- Density and depth using curves and channels.
- Focus.
- Noise.
- Liquify.
- Extras.
- Practice.
- Q&A.
- Exercises.
- And many more! Certificate provided after finishing this course, and as my student, I’ll be happy to continue helping you out with doubts as you progress your professional career even after the course is over. The cost of your course includes: - PDF about theory and technique. - .psd files that were published in ELLE and VOGUE. (Fashion and beauty) I strongly suggest using your own images for practice. If you have none, I’ll provide the raw images. Payment methods: PayPal and Western Union
Cost: 300 USD

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